Monday, February 7, 2011

Learning Log 3

Last week, we had a group assignment on predictions of something that will befall on ourselves. I was grouped with Diana, Jia Yi and Anirwin. But before we were grouped, we were given some time to brainstorm about ideas and stories of predictions that happened in our daily lives. At first, I did not had any idea as these kind of things rarely, or should I say don't happen to me as my family does not believe in such things, like fortune telling and horoscopes and so on. But I recalled that I had this friend who told me about an incident that her father told her. It was about this old lady who was blinded by lightning when she was 12 and she could then predict the future.

After that, we were grouped together by Mrs Woo and we started our sharing of the ideas we had and my idea was chosen for the group work. So, we started to write out on the piece of worksheet provided. I had a lot of fun as I interacted with my group members and I also got to know more about other's true story of predictions of something that will befall on themselves. As I was picked by Mrs Woo's famous "number selector", I had to present my story to the class

During the presentation, it was funny how the boys read out the stories of their groups. Soon, it was my turn to present. At first, I felt very nervous and anxious as I was not very fluent in English and screwed up when I "freezed" the visualizer with my hand blocking the view of the paper. But it was still alright as I managed to read in front of the whole class without any major errors.

Overall, I believe that this lesson was enjoyable and fun, and I managed to learn more many fascinating things. I have no further suggestions to improve this lesson and I look forward to the acting out of Macbeth scene 1 act 2.

Ps. Was I loud enough for the class when I spoke?

1 comment:

  1. Hui Min, your presentation was fine the other day. Have confidence in yourself and I'm sure everyone will be able to hear you loud and clear the next time you present :)
