Saturday, September 17, 2011

Learning Log 7

Finally, the long-awaited performance of Romeo and Juliet has ended. At first, I thought the whole performance was stupid and wasted lots of my time as a lot of preparation was required to make the whole play a success. However, it was until the day before the performance when I finally found out that I was wrong.

My group did not do much at the beginning as many of us had ccas which clashes with most of our practices ans thus, our director, Rachel, had to cancel many of our meetings. This led to lower expectations from me as I felt that we could not fare very well without a lot of practices. But, luckily for us, we managed to do well, which was way beyond what I had expected. In the play, I play Lady Capulet, which was a minor role. However, do not belittle this role. Behind the 1 minute appearance that I had to make, we spent around 2 practices to perfect and master it. So, if you think that being Romeo is easy, think again. I felt that I did quite a good job as I did not forget what was I supposed to do and I managed to overcome stage fright.

To sum up, I feel that the whole play is very interesting as I got to know more of my classmates better. The best part about the whole R&J play is that we get to tease the Romeos and Juliets when they "kiss" in the middle of the whole scene. It was also funny to see how my members recite the wrong lines at the wrong time, which sets the whole team to laugh non-stop. I still remember two days before the actual performance, Tarif ( the Romeo in my group ) recited the wrong lines and it was so ... indescribable.

I think that the performance would be better if the space given is not so restricted as I saw some of the group's characters' heads got "cut off" and it might affect their overall score.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Learning Log 6

For the past few literature lessons, we have been learning more about literary devices. They are divided into imagery, sound, diction and sentence structure devices. The purpose of using imagery devices is to paint an imaginary picture in the minds of the reader, so that they can "see" the image portrayed by the poet through words. Sound devices add on to the effect made by the different devices such as onomatopoeia, which lets the persona echo the sound they are producing. After all the lessons on the unseen prose, I still could not answer questions in the worksheet and I find it very difficult for me to do the questions. I don't get how to identify the literary devices in the prose/poem given as I feel that I don't understand the passage no matter how many times I had read it. I hope that I can improve more on how to answer the questions by myself.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Learning Log 5


I had learnt that tackling an unseen prose or poem is just like doing an open-ended comprehension passage, you have almost no chance of seeing the passage beforehand and even if you did see it, you would not have time to understand and look through in detail. So, in short, it is something new and there is nothing special about it, thus we should approach it the same way we do with any piece of prose.

The first thing to do when approaching an unseen prose is to read through it for a few times. Read through it briefly for the first time and pick out phrases that are more abstract or seem to have a hidden meaning in it. Make notes about those words that were picked out, paying more attention to it as it might evoke emotions and thoughts. However, they must be short and concise, using the 5W1H. (Who is speaking, when was the poem written, what is the poem about, how is the content of the prose conveyed by literary devices, how do you respond to the poem)

However, there are some things to avoid while doing an unseen prose. Most students are unable to do well in this segment as they do not have ample understanding of the text or they feel unsure of their feelings when reading the text, or simply just because they were not meticulous while reading because they were rushing through the whole passage. Ways to prevent these situations from happening is to get roughly an idea what the poem is talking about for the first time, and then slowly understanding the meaning of difficult words in the poem.

To answer questions, we should
  • Explain your answer
  • Describe in your own words
  • Give your own comments
  • Cite evidence
  • and compare/contrast with
  • lastly, give your own opinion
while following these rules
  • Read carefully and not rush through the passage
  • Keep answers and evidences short and sweet
  • Always explain what you had stated
  • Use your own words as much as possible
  • Express relevant feelings to the text

I had learnt that to do well in unseen poetry, ideas must be expressed coherently and persuasively, as the 2 skills required to do well in unseen sections is to analyse the text with knowledge of the techniques used and present the argument through concise writing and good organisation such that the examiner understands it well.

The skills required in analysis of text are having a clear awareness of the meaning behind the text, to provide a detailed and clear analysis of the text, and an insightful response to the text.

Firstly, spend not more than 5 minutes to read through and analyse the text before doing anything, and jot down the first impression of the text's meaning. (What it is about, genre, mood, themes and issues) After doing this, it will be easier to understand the meaning, mood, and issue highlighted in the text. This is crucial as getting the right meaning results in achieving a pass in the paper. Most students don't score well in unseen poetry as they spend inadequate time understanding the text.

Being able to interpret the text is to go beyond a superficial reading and question the purpose of using specific words, ideas or values. To be able to interpret is to ask why did the author choose something instead of something else and if it was there to convey a message. Thus, by thinking why does the author use a specific word instead of something else, you can roughly get the main idea of the prose.

Most students leave out a detailed analysis after giving a clear understanding of the text. The detailed analysis means to identify techniques used and tracking development of the prose. When reading the text, try picking out techniques and devices used by the poet and in the essay, stating the purpose is necessary and how it affects the reader. Also, being able to sense the changes in tone, mood and language is important and knowing why is also important.

By writing an insight into the text gives the essay a chance to go a step further. To give an insight is to relate the poem to the world and nature.

However, writing an essay requires textual evidences and try not to give response that are too personal. Response should be objective and supported by evidence from the text.

An essay should always start with an introduction, which is a statement which immediately answers the essay question and states your point. Then, the body of the essay consists of the main points mentioned in the introduction into a few paragraphs. Each paragraph must make a clear point supporting the answers of the question. A suitable format is the PEEP - point, evidence, elaboration and personal response.

Begin the first sentence of a paragraph with a point that answers to the question. To make sure answers are to the point, underline the keyword of the question and use that keyword to answer the point, making it a habit to repeat that word for every paragraph throughout the whole essay, thus resulting a more organised essay. Then, support every major point with evidence cited from the text. The more evidence provided to support the point, the stronger it would be, thus, while planning, link words or expression that convey similar meanings, mood attitude so that more than one evidence may be provided when the essay is written to support the point. After citing evidence, explainand link the meaning behind the evidence with the point , and that is elaboration. It must sound logical and convincing. Lastly, give a personal response, which means expressing your feelings to the character or event, but it is not always necessary to write it in the end of each paragraph, but a response should be part of the conclusion and it must also be supported by evidences cited from the text as well. Lastly, provide a conclusion to summarize the points made and summative response to the issues raised in the text.

Irony is often used by writers and it refers to a contradiction in a situation or in a statement. There are 2 types of irony - situational and verbal irony. Situational irony occurs when what one expects to happen does not happen, but instead the opposite takes place. Verbal irony is usually known as sarcasm and expresses contradiction between what is said and what it means. It is commonly used as readers usually want to read twists in plots and to spice up the storyline. Verbal irony is used to create humour ( to poke fun at others and creating a sense of humour as a result ) , to criticize ( criticize an issue ) , and to add to the sense of tragedy ( to make the scene more tragic and increases the readers feelings of empathy ).

When writing about irony, contradiction must be shown clearly and both sides ( what is expected to happen and what happened ) of the situation must be shown clearly.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Learning Log 4

On Wednesday, our class of 42 had our performance of act 1 scene 1 in the AVA room. It was really scary for me although I'm comfortable with being outspoken in front of a crowd or familiar faces, but however, this time I had pitch my voice to make it sound sinister and evil to suit the personality of a witch I am acting. Although it seemed hard and impossible, I managed to do it somehow, which was kind of an achievement for me after this play.

But of course, lots of preparation had to be done to make this play a success and clinch as many marks as I could for the mid-year examinations. During the time allocated for making props and rehearsing was the SYF and my group members, Calisa and Steffi, and including myself were involved in the SYF. Thus, we had to allocate work properly amongst us. So, Calisa and I were in-charge of getting cloth, and Steffi was in-charge of doing up the slides. We had fun doing the props and tried to mimic the high-pitched voices of the witches.

I felt very happy to be involved in the production of Macbeth act 1 scene 1 as it is rather enjoyable to see all my friends putting in effort to stage a performance for everyone, even the emcees. They tried to make the event more lively, for example, Jia Le who was trying to make us laugh when he asked us to breathe if the previous group's performance was good, and it was entertaining while waiting for the next group. I personally enjoyed Phania and Sanjna's group as they had many props and made alot of effort to make their costumes, also Jing Yan looked really like a witch and ghostly. Sanjna's group had used umbrellas which the other groups did not thought of. It was funny how Jia Le entered the scene with a sinister laugh, which made the whole class laugh.

Overall, I feel that 2 Commitment had put in alot of effort for our play and did our best. I felt that it was fun working with my two classmates and I had enjoyed the program planned by our literature teacher, Mrs. Woo. However, I think that if there is more time for preparation works, more groups could have scored much better. I look forward to the next production of Romeo and Juliet after this Macbeth performance as I have a better impression of Literature now, being not just about stacks of books and texts but expressing ourselves.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Learning Log 3

Last week, we had a group assignment on predictions of something that will befall on ourselves. I was grouped with Diana, Jia Yi and Anirwin. But before we were grouped, we were given some time to brainstorm about ideas and stories of predictions that happened in our daily lives. At first, I did not had any idea as these kind of things rarely, or should I say don't happen to me as my family does not believe in such things, like fortune telling and horoscopes and so on. But I recalled that I had this friend who told me about an incident that her father told her. It was about this old lady who was blinded by lightning when she was 12 and she could then predict the future.

After that, we were grouped together by Mrs Woo and we started our sharing of the ideas we had and my idea was chosen for the group work. So, we started to write out on the piece of worksheet provided. I had a lot of fun as I interacted with my group members and I also got to know more about other's true story of predictions of something that will befall on themselves. As I was picked by Mrs Woo's famous "number selector", I had to present my story to the class

During the presentation, it was funny how the boys read out the stories of their groups. Soon, it was my turn to present. At first, I felt very nervous and anxious as I was not very fluent in English and screwed up when I "freezed" the visualizer with my hand blocking the view of the paper. But it was still alright as I managed to read in front of the whole class without any major errors.

Overall, I believe that this lesson was enjoyable and fun, and I managed to learn more many fascinating things. I have no further suggestions to improve this lesson and I look forward to the acting out of Macbeth scene 1 act 2.

Ps. Was I loud enough for the class when I spoke?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Learning Log 2

During the lesson on superstition and presentation of Macbeth (act 1, scene 1), I've learnt a lot about superstitions that I had never heard before. They are, for example, do not wash your hair before a test or you will forget everything you had studied. I do believe that superstitions are not true, but it is alway better to be safe than sorry. I did not think of why superstition and Macbeth are related. But after the lesson, I learnt that perhaps Shakespeare wrote Macbeth with 3 witches is because they believed that there were witches all around them. It was also fun when 3 of our classmates were chosen to portray the witches as it was hilarious to see them pitch their voice really high. I had also managed to recite a few lines of those witches like " Fair is foul and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air". I think that this lesson can be improved if everyone can research on more numbers of superstitions and we can learn more about it, especially ones that are around Shakespeare's era to understand his plays we are learning

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Learning Log 1

After the lesson on Cinquains, I had learnt another method to write literature. Cinquains are special to me as it is very interesting to write a Cinquain, like for example, "cinq" means 5 in French, but in those 5 lines, there are only less than 5 words in each line and in each line there are some rules to follow. During literature lesson, I enjoyed it very much as I got to see other group's Cinquains and interact with my group members in order to create a good Cinquain. I had fun during the lesson as my group members and I thought of ridiculous ideas and themes for the poem. I liked the number selector especially as it creates a lot of suspense. As for improvements, I suggest that everyone should do different Cinquains so that there are more varieties.